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Tips for finding Best Cloud Backup Service

Over time, you may find that your current cloud-storage system is no longer meeting your needs as well as it had in the past. Perhaps you want better pricing or more features or a higher level of service. Whatever it is that is motivating you to shop around, you can take comfort in the knowledge that there are a great many options in today’s marketplace.

Cloud backup has been around for more than 10 years. It stands as one of the most mature and widely used applications of cloud technology. Cloud backup is seen as rather ubiquitous in the modern business landscape because of its reliability, efficiency and automation capabilities. The market for cloud backup service providers could be seen as saturated, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing — especially for customers.

So, with a great many options presented, what factors should be considered when switching from one cloud backup service to another?

  • Determine how much (volume) data you need to back up.
  • Understand the types of backups offered, for example, “incremental forever” vs “multiple versions” or “block-level” vs “file-level”.
  • Look for a provider who can support all platforms (Windows, Linux, UNIX, Mac) and applications (Hyper-V, VMware, Microsoft Exchange, SQL Server, Dynamics, SharePoint, Oracle) that your business either uses now or may use in the future.
  • Insist on an assurance that data is encrypted not only before it leaves your local infrastructure but also at all times while in transit and on the provider’s platform.
  • Ask about the data centers where your information will be stored.
  • Take advantage of a free trial or demo of the service.
  • Don’t be shy about asking for references (current clients of the provider who are in a similar industry as you).
  • Evaluate the costs involved with making the switch (this should include the cost of your time).
  • Consider how your data is currently organized. If it is not optimal for your needs, now is the time to make changes.
  • Examine alternatives and identify providers which would best meet your needs.
  • Outline your game plan and make the switch.

Finally, when considering a new cloud backup service provider, look for a company you can put a face to, and is only a phone call away. It is a detail that will be invaluable should a disaster strike and you need to get your business up and running quickly.

RenovoData is a leading regulatory-compliant, cloud data protection IT services company. Our solutions range from File and Database Backup, Server Recovery, Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), Custom Cloud Hosting and Consulting solutions for on-premises and hosted environments.