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RenovoData Custom Cloud Solutions

Servers and Data Protected in our Cloud

RenovoData’s competencies as an IT solutions service provider go beyond our specialties in data protection and disaster recovery. We offer partial and complete enterprise-class, secure cloud hosting for your network and servers in an infrastructure-as-a-service model. This solution includes all the setup, migration, and ongoing support that you would need to make this significant change in your IT environment.

We work with you to meet compliance standards, performance goals, and recovery objectives that meet or exceed your organization’s standards with the power of our flexible & scalable cloud infrastructure. RenovoData’s secure cloud servers provide remote protection of data and processes that are mission-critical to business continuation.

Our Powerful, Customizable Infrastructure as a Service Platform

With RenovoData Hosted Solution, your organization will enjoy peace of mind and be able to focus on other important goals that increase efficiency and profitability. Your servers will reside in RenovoData’s Secure data center facility in Atlanta, GA. Our hosting services include cloud server hosting, internet access, private tenant network/firewall hosting, monitoring and management of hosted servers, and disaster recovery capability. Here is a brief overview of the features of our cloud hosting platform.

Use Case Backup and Recovery

Flexibility & Scalability That Meets Your Needs

Provisioning to your needs has never been easier. Once you’ve migrated to your private tenant in our secure cloud infrastructure, you’re able to increase and decrease your CPU, RAM, and storage per server to accommodate your production environment. You are billed in arrears for services rendered the month prior.
RenovoData Local Disk Backup

Server Backups & Disaster Recovery

Automatic backups using RenovoData’s software sent to RenovoData’s secondary facility & infrastructure ready to provide Disaster Recovery in the event of a primary site failure, without the capital expense or extra maintenance costs.
RenovoData DRaaS (Disaster Recovery as a Service)

Ongoing Support & Disaster Recovery Assistance

 A team dedicated to assisting you with everything from server and backup maintenance, file restores to full-blown disaster recovery assistance. This reduces administrator time to manage servers, backups, and disaster recovery.
RenovoData Cloud to Cloud Backup

No Hidden Costs for Downloads & Restores

Big-box hosting providers commonly attach costs for data ingress, egress, and recovery. RenovoData helps you forecast your monthly costs, so there are no surprises come billing.
Preparing for Resilience: Disaster Recovery Plans

Anti-virus & Anti-malware Software

To reduce malware and cyber security incidents, all computers and servers connected to the RenovoData hosted environment must have anti-virus/anti-malware protection software. Our anti-malware protection can be included for your hosted servers as part of the maintenance and management software bundle.

RenovoData works with you to predict your computational needs and gives you the ability to adjust as your company changes and demand grows. The overall experience of our blend of infrastructure as a service and support is unmatched in achieving the goals for your operations, recovery, environment, and users.