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RenovoData Cybersecurity

Is Your Organization Prepared for an Attack?

  • Of 43% total attacks aimed at SMBs, only 14% of these businesses are prepared to defend themselves.
  • The average enterprise cost of downtime is $5,600 per minute, amounting to over $300,000 per hour of downtime.
  • Over 90% of all enterprise cyber breaches occur because of an unsuspecting employee not being prepared in the basic steps of cybersecurity.

What steps has your company taken to mitigate your risk?

The threat and severity of cyberattacks perpetually grows year over year. Bad actors are only becoming more adept at penetrating organizations and deploying more sophisticated malware than ever before.

Cyberattacks can be extremely damaging to your organization. Taking proactive steps towards action, and cyber-resilience, will give your company an advantage against bad actors and decrease the likelihood of downtime from an attack. Tools and services such as user training, endpoint protection, and email protection are preventative measures that can decrease the risk and impact of even the most dangerous cyberattacks.

Download our free eBook “Five Steps for Building a Culture of Cyber Resilience”

User Training

Your first line of defense from malware and cyberattacks are your users, however, untrained users can become your greatest security risk.

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RenovoData User Training

Endpoint Protection

The breadth of devices are impacted by more frequent cyberattacks than ever, and due to this, your organization cannot ignore the need for endpoint protection.

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RenovoData End Point Protection

Email Protection

With options like encrypted email and advanced threat protection, you will have the redundancy and security your organization deserves.

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RenovoData Email Protection