Big M Case Study


To optimize Big M’s disaster recovery plans. Big M was still depending upon someone taking tape backups offsite. John Martindale, Director of IT, recognized this method as unreliable. Someone was always forgetting about these tape backups or the responsibility would change hands until nobody did it at all. Big M needed a product that was reliable, integrated well with McLeod Software, and was automated to the point that little to no human involvement was necessary.


Big M was introduced to RenovoData at the first McLeod User’s Conference. RenovoData being partnered with McLeod brought Big M peace of mind, assuring them that RenovoData would know what critical information needed to be backed up. RenovoData’s implementation process made it simple for Big M, who then chose to back up other non-McLeod mission-critical data with RenovoData’s servers.


Since implementing RenovoData, John Martindale and Big M have peace of mind when it comes to data backup. The automated email John receives everyday letting him know that the backup was successful is reassuring. Now that John doesn’t have to worry about someone taking a tape offsite, he is able to concentrate on other issues and problems.