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Cloud Storage Recovery Services

Many companies don’t realize that having files backed up in the cloud is different from having a true, IT recovery solution.

While having your data stored offsite is a wise first step, it’s nothing like having a team of skilled, compassionate humans available to help your business recover after a cyberattack, fire, weather event, or hardware failure. That’s when a skilled recovery cloud provider becomes an indispensable business ally.

Whether you are a one-person IT department or part of a larger organization, in a data disaster, every minute matters and you could always use additional support. To minimize disruption after a cyber threat or natural disaster, a company needs an experienced data protection provider that is knowledgeable in identifying and remediating issues that compromise data security.

Unlike cloud storage alone, a recovery cloud provider is capable and prepared to help restore business operations. To reduce downtime costs, it’s imperative to select an experienced provider with multiple tools to address various recovery objectives. In some cases, an organization might simply need a fast download of a backup file, in other cases, they might need emergency hosting if their primary site is impacted by an event. Aligning with the right recovery cloud provider who offers recovery options and the flexibility to grow or change as your IT environment evolves is a cornerstone of responsible continuity planning.

Know the difference between a Storage Cloud and a Recovery Cloud.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 global pandemic, a growing number of U.S. companies have reported cyberattacks and threats to data security. In fact, the U.S. FBI estimates that incidents have risen by 400%. Accordingly, a growing number of organizations are reconsidering their strategies for backup and data recovery. The bottom line is that just because files are backed up in the cloud doesn’t mean a business is adequately protected.

How the right Recovery Cloud provider can help.

Data loss events can erase everything from accounts receivable to decades of internal processes, client and vendor contacts, training, trade secrets and more.

Before selecting a cloud provider, consider these questions:

  • Do you have access to live support dedicated to helping your company recover?
  • Does your provider have the option to boot up a cloned server locally or in the cloud?
  • Are you being charged extra for testing backups?
  • Does your cloud provider assist you during a disaster?

Support services like these can be critical when every minute counts. But some simple pre-planning along with choosing a qualified cloud provider can ensure effective protocols are in place to speed recovery. A sound data backup strategy protects a business in times of data disaster while helping ensure the value of a business cannot be lost due to catastrophic data loss.

RenovoData offers a comprehensive suite of data protection, disaster recovery and DR Planning services to help businesses become more IT resilient. For a free consultation, call us at 1.877.834.3684 or reference our website at or email us at

RenovoData is a leading regulatory-compliant, cloud data protection IT services company. Our solutions range from File and Database Backup, Server Recovery, Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), Custom Cloud Hosting and Consulting solutions for on-premises and hosted environments.